Long-distance cycle routes

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Luhe Cycle Route

Meandering with the River Luhe through the Lüneburg Heath: The Luhe Cycle Route follows the course of the Luhe, and some stretches of the route take you directly along the banks.

Peaceful and scenic landscape by the river Luhe.
© Lüneburger Heide GmbH

From source to mouth

The route is characterised by a varied heath and geest landscape and takes you from the source of the river to its estuary leading into the Ilmenau near Stöckte. The Luhe Cycle Route ends in Hoopte, north of Stöckte, and from there you have access to the Ilmenau Cycle Route.

Suggested route for a one-day tour: 50 km from Bispingen to Winsen (Luhe) 

Route for the period from 15 July to 15 October: Arrive in Soltau by train from Hamburg, you can take the Heide-Shuttle Ring 4 to Bispingen (the Heide-Shuttle is a free bus service available between 15 July and 15 October). Cycle along the Luhe Cycle Route to Winsen on the Luhe, where your only companions will be small villages and the sound of nature. In Oldendorf on the Luhe you can visit the Oldendorfer Totenstatt, a group of megalithic tombs typical of the Lüneburg Heath. You can return to Hamburg by train from Winsen.

In a nutshell 

  • Length of route: Approx. 58 kilometres in total
  • Sights: Heidekastell 'Iserhatsche' • Oldendorfer Totenstatt • the source of the Schwindebach • Necropolis of Soderstorf • Winsen Castle • Hoopte ferry landing • varied heath and geest landscape • Luhe canal
  • Trail conditions: Depending on weather, some of the trails may be somewhat difficult to ride along. Therefore, the route is recommended for sturdy touring bikes, mountain bikes and trekking bikes.
  • Signage: The entire trail is signposted with the 'Luhe-Radweg' logo.

GPX data, maps, information and free brochures: 

Lüneburger Heide GmbH
Wallstrasse 4 · D-21335 Lüneburg
Phone: +49 70 02 099 30 99
Luhe Cycle Route (in German)

Informationen auf Deutsch

Idyllische Flusslandschaft an der Luhe
© Lüneburger Heide GmbH
Durch Heide und Geest


Folgen Sie dem Lauf der Luhe durch herrliche Heide- und Geestlandschaften. Der Radweg führt auf 58 Kilometer von der Quelle bis zur Flussmündung in die Ilmenau.

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